The oven is basically done! I broke down and am using asphalt
shingles on the oven. but I got "architectural" shingles
so they sorta look like wood.
I still have to finish the chimney but will have to wait for the
weather to turn.
click for a larger view
We also poured a cement slab in front of the oven so I'd have a nice
place to stand.
The oven is now in use (what AWESOME pizza!)
Tried asphalt shingles on the roof, but they just don't look right.
Am going to go up to Clare and see if the Amish can make me some
cedar shakes.
If you are thinking about building one of these ovens, first go to
the links page and buy the bread builders book. You might also want
to contact Ovencrafters to purchase plans for the ovens (also for
different hearth sizes). I am not an expert, nor a mason (although I
may have played one on TV)
If you have questions/concerns then contact a qualified
mason. dontcha
hate these disclaimers?